Poems By Yudo


Poems By Kevin Yudo Mahoney

Dokusan with my Teacher

To sit is to sit

To open the door is to open the door

To realize is to open

to all things

to All sentient beings

Seek not to know nothin’ know how? 

And begin.

Stillness transforms .

the house of mirrors to nothingness

Now is nothing

And everything!

Accept the probability of delusions;

Delusion is everywhere and everything

Except now

And now is nothing

And everything.


Know the Treasures are True.

Sit and enjoy the journey.

道    Yudo


The river boat of Sangha


Practice of heart emptiness.

Wondrous space of only life

-- ungraspable with five or six senses

Sangha from I to we to emptiness

-- sitting in bonds of unconditional love

-- floating toward the other side

-- of suffering

-- where fulfillment resides.

We share suffering building a boat of emptiness

-        together.

Sanga: The treasure of treasures.

道   Yudo


Courageous Way.

Delusion ties us together

Needing to loved is a blinding light of darkness.

In courage we Awaken.

Regardless of understanding.

In courage we ping the moon, a sunburn, an elephant, a trillion stars

            In a dewdrop

Illuminating murky delusion

where time bends in on itself

and The emperor wears no clothes.

By the light by the light by the light of the silvery moon

By the moon by the moon by the moon.

Happy moon.



The Way of Seeking Mind


Yudo Seeking Mind